chemical well


I get surprised when people only have like 2 OCs or none at all. New little guys are always being born in my brain and I can't stop them, so I have a bunch.

The OCs I had as a kid were usually fan characters I made as a way to respond to the properties I was into... or I made them for RPs that I still cringe thinking about sometimes... When I outgrew that, I just started making characters whenever I needed to express specific feelings. Lately they're my way of getting back at life.

I'm not a writer and I'm a flimsy artist, so most of the details about my characters are stuck in my head and aren't on paper. I finally started to work on a Notion wiki to store info properly, though, and I want to talk about my OCs on this blog too. Someday I will get off my ass and make a cohesive story. Hopefully. I swear.

In the case of a catastrophic event happening to me, my OCs become public domain and you can adopt them. Original characters, DO steal.

#2023 #original #thoughts