chemical well

read: make the exorcist fall in love

make the exorcist fall in love episode 1 spread

Make the Exorcist Fall in Love - Aruma Arima & Masuku Fukuyama

The plot structure and characters are pretty simple but the edgy Catholic backdrop for this comic honestly does a lot for it. Like, I don't think Mr. Priest is a particularly unique kind of protagonist when you get down to the basics, he's a guy raised to be a living weapon and suffering because of it, that's been done before. But Arima doesn't halfheartedly use the setting of demons and angels just for decoration; they seriously thought about Christianity and how to work it into the skin of the characters, and that's what grabbed me.

The art is cute. When Fukuyama gets to draw something nasty, it's great too. They use a lot of bloom in this comic.

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