chemical well

read: püha ja õudne lõhn

♫ Mutta mikä on maa? Se on Helvetti

(But which is the land? It is Hell)

Se ei ole mikään kauhupaikka…

(It is not a scary place…)

Ennemminkin siellä on surullista

(Rather, it is sad there)

Püha ja õudne lõhn - Robert Kurvitz

Read Group Ibex's translation. Really interesting to see what carried over into Disco and what was there in the fabric, but not brought out. (That's what ZA/UM is!? Women were always bourgeois?!) Other the first few chapters being hard to parse, it was entertaining and I think it can stand as its own work even though you can feel that it was supposed to be the first part of something much larger.

I can live with this as the end of Elysium. If it never returns to its original hands, there's a sad perfection in the sunken, encompassing, unclear fog burying the shreds of hope. Let's believe aprés la mort -- la vie de nouveau, after the pale -- the world again.

By the way, I've been debating whether to just do a big log post at the end of the month instead of individual ones, but I can't decide. >_< I'll probably keep doing individual posts for things that really strike me. For things I didn't like or didn't leave much of an impression on me, I might bundle them up. Like, it's too much effort to make separate posts for stuff I hated.

#2024 #book #librarylog