chemical well

read: qualia the purple

We were and forever would be parallel lines.

Qualia the Purple - Hisamitsu Ueo

What would you do if we accidentally kissed? And we were both girls? And you saw me as an all-terrain vehicle?

I read the novel and haven't read the manga version. The manga character designs are pretty cute, but because of the nature of the story I think it probably works more if you imagine things for yourself. Qualia the Purple ended up being like, a 7/10 for me, but it's that solid kind of 7/10 where it's definitely entertaining and a work worth examining while we're in the zeitgeist of doomed yuri.

Loved the last kiss scene and I'm kinda crazy about Tenjou sleeping over at Gaku's place. Not enough robots.

#2023 #book #librarylog